About Flint Hills Renewable Energy & Efficiency Cooperative
For more than ten years, the Flint Hills Renewable Energy & Efficiency Cooperative, Inc. (FHREEC), a non-profit solar electric buyers group, has worked to lower the barriers to renewable energy in Kansas. Today, only the outdated ideas of home and business owners, and misunderstandings about the benefits rooftop solar offers utilities, stand in the way of leapfrogging past a century-old central generation model. Our focus is on what we can do ourselves – efficiency and solar energy.
We are a not-for-profit corporation that:
- researches for the highest quality hardware;
- order hardware (solar panels, inverters, etc.) into bulk buys that offer everyone substantial savings;
- and then, step-by-step, we advise on how to install large and small arrays. We’ve provided hardware and shared our DIY experience on over 100 systems in north-central Kansas.
FHREEC Speaks to Two Audiences
The first are families and businesses whose motives vary from lowering their utility bills, gaining a level of independence from the grid, or wanting to do their part in facing climate change.
The second is to introduce energy professionals, staff, and trustees of non-profit distribution-only utilities, both rural electric cooperatives and municipal utilities, to the unrecognized benefits of distributed or “rooftop” solar energy.
Our Co-Directors
Robert Rosenberg | Carol Barta | Bill Dorsett | Ben Jedlicka |
Members of the Board
J. Scott Smith | Larry Erickson | John Flavin |
O. John Selfridge | Robert DuTeau |
Thank You, PAREI!
We initially modeled our organization after another non-profit cooperative – the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI) in New Hampshire.